Falcons de Catalunya - human towers

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Falcons de Catalunya - human towers
Falcons de Catalunya - human towers. One of the human tower building traditions in Catalonia is called the Falcon discipline named after a Czech tradition called "Sökol" which means falcon. Falcon structures were popular in Catalunya at the beginning of the 20th century, but then fell out of favour.

In Barcelona a young group called the Barcelona Falcons has revived this tradtion of making falcon structures and they peformed first at the Saint Eulalia festivities in 2003. You can often see the Falcon castellers at Catalan festivals and especially at La Merce Festival in Barcelona in September.

Falcons de Barcelona
Falcons de Castellcir
Falcons de Malla
Falcons de Piera
Falcons del País del Cava
Falcons del Riberal
Falcons de Vilafranca
Falcons de Vilanova

Wednesday, 05 February 2025