Els Encants Vells - Barcelona flea market Featured Popular

Official Website
Avinguda Meridiana, 69, 08018, Barcelona
Nearest Metro
L1 Glòries & L2 Encants
City District
Sant Marti: Diagonal Mar
+34 932463030
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Nou Mercat dels Encants. Barcelona Flea Market. Els Encants Vells. Mercat de Fira de Bellcaire. All refer to the same place which is Barcelona's oldest and biggest flea market on Plaza Glories in the Sant Marti district of Barcelona. Encants is Barcelona's only permanant flea market.

Nearest metro
The nearest metro station to Encants is station Glories on metro red line L1.

Opening times
Barcelona Flea Market opening times are Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 9am to 8pm without closing for lunch.

Auctions are in the morning from 8am to 9.30am.
See all opening times of Els Encants Vells here

History Barcelona flea market

The new 'Nou Mercat dels Encants' flea market moved across the Plaza Glories square in 2013 to a new location on Av Meridiana with new multi-level buildings and a spectacular new triangular zinc roof.

Els Encants Vells market in Barcelona means the 'old charms fair.' Encants is one of the oldest flea markets in Europe dating back to the 14th century. Until 19th June the market is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm and the auction is from 7.15pm to 9pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

You can find an eclectic mix of second-hand items and new clothes at Els Encants Vells in Barcelona. For antique hunters, the selection is really not that impressive, but there are some small finds, if you are looking to fill the gaps in your apartment with cheap furniture, knick-knacks and the like. Get their early. 

Visit the Encants flea market website for more information, history and photos. The website is in Catalan and Spanish.

Thursday, 13 March 2025