Tortell de Reis - Roscón de Reyes - traditional Spanish Christmas cake

Tortell de Reis -Roscón de Reyes - traditional Spanish Christmas cake


The Spanish Kings Cake is a sweet dessert bread called 'Tortells de Reis' in Catalan and 'Roscón de Reyes' in Spanish. This traditional Spanish Christmas treat celebrates epiphany and the journey of the Three Kings, also known as the Magi or Wise Men, to the town of Bethlehem, where they sought the newborn King of the Jews - Jesus. The cake eaten the night before, or on King's Day. Roscón de Reyes cakes are available at all bakeries and supermarkets. It is a ring-shaped pastry, resembling a crown made of brioche pastry and normally filled with marzipan, custard, cream, or whipped cream, depending on personal preferences.

The cake is decorated with candied fruits, which symbolize the jewels of the kings' crowns, nuts (usually pine nuts and sliced almonds), and sprinkled with icing sugar. It usually has a golden crown in the middle. As a surprise for the diners, there is a hidden toy or trinket (usually one of the Three Kings) and a fava broad bean inside the cake. The person who finds the toy, is crowned King or Queen of the feast - and the person who gets the fava bean has to buy the Tortell de Reis cake next year.

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