Barcelona Events 2024

Els Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni 2025

Cavalcada dels Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni
200th anniversary in 2025!

Tres tombs date:
Sat 18 January 2025

Event location:
Sant Antoni area, Eixample district in Barcelona

Event time:
11 am to 14:00 pm

Tres tombs parade route:
Map Route: Calàbria, Comte Borrell (Mercat de Sant Antoni), carrer del Parlament, ronda de Sant Pau, carrer d’Urgell, carrer de Tamarit, carrer de Villarroel, carrer de Floridablanca, ronda de Sant Antoni, plaça de la Universitat, carrer de Pelai, la Rambla (descendent), carrer de l’Hospital, carrer de Maria Aurèlia Capmany, carrer de la Riera Alta, carrer de Tamarit, carrer d’Urgell, carrer de Manso, avinguda del Paral·lel i plaça de Josep Puig i Cadafalch.

Tres Tombs Sant Antoni Barcelona

Festa dels Tres Tombs Barcelona - 'Cavalcada dels Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni a Barcelona' is in January 2025. The parade of Tres Tombs in Barcelona is festive and fun to watch and is a highlight of the annual Festa Mayor de Sant Antoni neighbourhood festival of the Sant Antoni area in Barcelona's Eixample district. The word 'tombs' is Catalan, and does not mean the same in Catalan as in English, so don't expect a vampire parade with three coffins on a cart. In Catalan 'tres' means three, and 'tombs' means 'tours' or 'walks', so 'Tres Tombs' in Catalan translates as 'three tours' in English. The names is derived from the tradition of the 'Tres Tombs' parade going around the same route three times.

The Tres Tombs parade in Barcelona does not take the same route three times, but the parade route is quite long. The 'Cabalgata dels Tres Tombs' consists of a mobile museum of 35 floats and carriages, many of which are vintage animal-drawn carts from bygone days including fire-engines, hearses, beer wagons and many more. You will also see a few cowboys, pony riders and even oxen in this festive procession.


Benedicció dels Tres Tombs i animals - Parade and Animal blessing

Pet Blessing Barcelona. When the parade of Tres Tombs passes the church called 'la Escola Pia de Sant Antoni,' the parade animals are blessed and anointed with holy water by a priest, who stands on a platform and blesses the Tres Tombs animals as they pass.

When the parade has passed, domestic pets can be blessed. Hundreds of people crowd around the priest to have their dogs, birds, hamsters, cats and other small pets blessed and anointed. The pet blessing takes place in front of the church, 'Escola Pia de Sant Antoni' on street Ronda de San Pau 72 at 11.30 on the day of the Tres Tombs parade. This wonderful animal blessing tradition derives from St. Anthony the Abbot (Sant Antoni Abat) who is Patron Saint of animals, the poor, and the sick. 

St. Anthony the Abbot was a hermit who lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the fourth century, but who renounced his worldly goods and retired to the desert of northern Egypt. In the 1100's, the Order of Knights Hospitallers, an organization that cared for the sick across Europe, adopted him as its patron saint and ever since St Anthony has been saint to send prayers to prevent and cure disease in both people and animals.

The Tres Tombs festival is also celebrated in villages and towns throughout Catalunya. The village of Valls is one of the best places to see a Tres Tombs festival and every year in April in Anglesola village near Lleida you can see a wonderful Tres Tombs festival as part of the Anglesola Fira Medieval festival

Other Sant Antoni Festa Mayor highlights

The Sant Antoni Festa Mayor has a full programme of fun activities for all the family including theater, concerts, dances, exhibitions and more. The Sant Antoni festival ends with a traditional fire-run called a correfoc infernal organised by the 'Devils of Sant Antoni' called 'La Colla de Diables de Sant Antoni. 

Related pages:

Pictures Tres Tombs Barcelona
Saint Anthony the Abbot 

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Event address & map

Barri de Sant Antoni
Ronda de Sant Pau
Postal Code:

Barri de Sant Antoni, Barcelona

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Barcelona Events:
Family-friendly | Els Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni 2025
Barcelona Festivals

Wednesday, 12 March 2025