Weather in Barcelona in August

Weather in Barcelona in August

Summary of Barcelona weather in August: it is consistently very hot and humid in August and the heat can feel very stifling, especially in the afternoon. August is considered the hottest month in Barcelona and Spain and for this reason, many local residents take vacation time in August and head for the coast or the hills.

Air temperatures in the shade in Barcelona during the day in August are around 29°C / 84°F to 34°C / 93°F and drop a few degrees at night. Most nights are tropical so around 20°C / 68°F so be sure to book hotels with good air-conditioning. Use the "Dry" function on the air-conditioner unit to save energy. See humidity levels further down this page.

Heatwave in August 
Heatwaves are common in Barcelona in August with temperatures up to and over 35°C / 95°F. See our heatwave tips.

For city sightseeing please note that buildings and sidewalks soak up the heat of day - in some locations it can feel like you are the pizza and Barcelona is the oven, so dress light and stay well hydrated. 

Air temperature August Barcelona

Average day air temperatures in August in Barcelona (in the shade) are around 29°C / 84°F to 33°C / 91°F.  It is warmest at the start of the month and might cool a little at the end of the month.

Sunny days August Barcelona

Generally August days in Barcelona are hot, dry and sunny. 

Rainfall August Barcelona

Rain is rare, but you can get a few rainy days showers or storms - often around mid-month. Average Barcelona August rainfall is 5 days and 40.8mm - 2"

Average humidity August Barcelona

Expect averages of 75% in morning and 63% in evening. 

Sea water temperature August Barcelona

The average sea water temperature in Barcelona in August is 25°C to 26°C - 77°C to 79°F degrees so nice for swimming. Beaches are open with full services. Remember sun screen and stay off the beach in the afternoon if UV index is high.  

What to wear in Barcelona in August?

What to wear in August. Generally in August in Barcelona wear light summer clothes. Maybe have one light jacket or cardigan in your suitcase in case of cooler evenings or rain. 

Related pages:

Siestas in Barcelona
What to wear in August
What's on August Barcelona
Top Things to do in Barcelona
Barcelona events calendar

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 August 2024 14:16

Tuesday, 25 February 2025