Barcelona air quality and air pollution levels

Barcelona air quality and pollution levels

Check the quality of the air and air polluition in Barcelona, Spain in real time. Barcelona's air quality is measured by monitoring stations around the city in real time. You can go online on the city council website and check the quality of the air and pollution levels in Barcelona - and check the forecast for air pollution levels in the city.

The Barcelona air quality measurements are measured using a five level classification (based on World Health Organization (WHO) air quality index) and are colour coded from good to very bad quality. Level scaling is based on the amount of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10) in the atmosphere. 

Check Barcelona air quality

There are traffic restrictions in Barcelona during periods of high levels of air pollutions. 

Restrictions Barcelona car circulation 
What you can do to help improve air quality

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Last Updated on Saturday, 14 January 2023 11:35

Tuesday, 25 February 2025