ITV vehicle inspection Barcelona

ITV Vehicle inspection Barcelona

ITV (inspección técnica de vehículos) is the safety and road worthiness vehicle inspection in Barcelona and Spain which is required for all vehicles. Major towns and cities in Spain have many ITV inspection centres.

When to take ITV
TÜV Rheinland Catalunya
DGT Spanish Traffic ministry
Driving in Spain

About ITV vehicle inspection
(inspección técnica de vehículos)

The vehicle inspection costs around € 50 and can usually be booked from day to day or online at ITV centres. Payment is in cash or by credit card. The inspection itself takes about 15 minutes while ITV inspectors check your horn, windscreen wipers, seat belts, turn on your flickers/indicators, check your brake lights and your exhaust emissions, then all brakes and alignment of wheels. If you pass the inspection, you get a new sticker for your windscreen.

ITV word list

Useful words for ITV inspection:

Faros - headlamps
Luces traseras - back lights
Luces de los frenos – brake lights
Izquerda – left
Derecha – right
Pisar el freno/acelerador - to put one's foot on the brake/accelerator
Freno de mano – Hand brake
El volante – steering wheel
Escobillas – windscreen wipers

If you do not have time to take your vehicle to the ITV inspection yourself, then some mechanics and garages can handle it for you.

An invalid ITV sticker will generate a substantial fine of around €100 – e150.  Your driving license could also be confiscated until you can document that your vehicle has passed the ITV inspection within 10 days.

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Wednesday, 19 February 2025