Spanish word list - property glossary

Spanish to English glossary of common
property words/terms.

Useful word list for finding rooms or apartments and flats in Barcelona.

Click here to see websites where you can find rental accommodation in Barcelona.

Spanish :
The basics  
Planta(s) Floors/storeys - Note. Some flats or apartments have strange numbering systems. Apparently there used to be a tax on the number of floors in an apartment building, so crafty owners invented new names for the first 2 floors to avoid paying so much tax. That is why in older buildings the physical first floor is called Principal, the second floor is called Entresuelo (between floors) and the physical third floor is the first floor.
Planta baja ground floor or street level
Entresuelo mezzanine or “between floors”  (first floor in reality)
Principal or pral principal – (second floor in reality)
Primera planta first floor - (third floor in reality)
la superficie the area (size in sq. metres)
la casa the house
la vivienda
the home/house
el piso
the flat/apartment
el estudio
the studio apartment
verb, to rent
se alquila noun, the (monthly) rent
verb, to sell
se vende for sale
la calle or c/ street
vacío empty
ocupado occupied
amueblado furnished
con muebles furnished
sin muebles unfurnished
sin amueblar unfurnished
el aire acondicionado air conditioned
reformado renovated
realquilar verb, to sub-let
compartir verb, to share
agua water
gas gas
las luces las light
la luz the light
estan de alta o de baja los suministros? are the utilities (water, gas, electricity) turned on / off
el suministro eléctrico the electricity supply
Dar de baja terminate/turn off (down)
Dar de alta register / turn on (up)
a estrenar
brand new
About apartment
Planta(s) Floors/storeys - Note. Some flats or apartments have strange numbering systems. Apparently there used to be a tax on the number of floors in an apartment building, so crafty owners invented new names for the first 2 floors to avoid paying so much tax. That is why in older buildings the physical first floor is called Principal, the second floor is called Entresuelo (between floors) and the physical third floor is the first floor.
Planta baja ground floor or street level
Entresuelo mezzanine or “between floors”  (first floor in reality)
Principal or pral principal – (second floor in reality)
Primera planta first floor - (third floor in reality)
la superficie the area (size in sq. metres)
suelo(s) floors
metros cuadrados square meters
exterior or ext. room with windows that open out to an outside street
interior or int. room with windows that open out to an interior patio or ventilation shaft
salón living room/lounge
la habitación or hab room
la planta planta
habitación doble double room
balcón/balcones balcony
salón-comedor dining room
dormitorios bedrooms
el baño bathroom
aseo toilet or half bath
las puertas doors
suelo(s) floors
el techo ceiling
los armarios cupboards
armario empotrado built in cupboard
la ventana window
los grifos taps
calefacción central central heating
los radiadores radiators
el calentador the heater
el aire acondicionado airconditioning
ventilación ventilation
climatizado (f/c) central heating/air conditioning
cocina americana open american style kitchen
cocina amueblada fully equipped kitchen
el horno oven
microonda microwave oven
electrodomésticos electrical kitchen appliances
los sanitarios toilet/bath/sink
la basura rubbish/trash
la lavadora washing machine
la aspiradora vacuum cleaner
antena comunitaria communal antenna for terrestrial TV stations and also for pay-per-view stations
Contract and price
inmobilarios agency, real estate company, property management company
arrendatario o inquilino renter/tenant
arrendador o propietario landlord/owner
el dueño owner
periodo de alquiler rental period
el importe de la renta the rent amount
el importe del alquiler the rent amount
precio del alquiler rental price
subir la renta raise the rent
una reducción de la renta reduction in rent
pago mensual monthly payment
el precio price
la duración del contrato contract duration
nómina paycheck – for longer term rentals the owner might want to see proof of a regular monthly income, usually in the form of a paycheck
un gasto expense
gastos de comunidad community expenses for building maintenance
comunidad incluido community expenses included in rent price
los gastos generales general expenses for building (cleaning stairs/lift etc.)
los gastos individuales expenses like light, water, telephone, gas etc.
impuestos taxes
un mes de antelación a month in advance
la fianza the deposit
la fianza, equivalente a un mes de alquiler deposit, equivalent to a months rent
depositar la fianza pay the deposit
recibo o justificante receipt
Aval bancario bank garantee – usually 6 months rent that is deposited with your bank for duration of your stay and only the owner of the apartments can authorise the release.
comisión commission or agency fee
las reparaciones repairs
las pequeñas reparaciones small repairs
la entrega de las llaves delivery of keys
Se puede pactar que.. we can agree that..
About the neighbourhood
la zona the zone/area
los vecinos the neighbours
el vecindario the neighbourhood
las zonas verdes green areas / parks
las tiendas shops
ruidos de obras noise from construction works
ruido noise
el olor smell
About building
el edificio the building
el inmueble the building
la finca can mean country house, estate, building or property
la fachada the facade
las escaleras the stairs
el ascensor the lift
el vestíbulo the lobby/hall
la fontanería plumbing
el olor a humedad the smell of damp
huele bien/mal smells good/bad
portero (físico) porter, janitor, caretaker (person)
portero automático

"automatic doorman" which means intercom/door

video portero - "video doorman" intercom/door with video screen
garaje garage
subterráneo underground
parking place plaza de parking
Last Updated on Monday, 17 March 2014 14:57

Wednesday, 12 March 2025