Weather Barcelona Spain 2024

Weather forecast Barcelona 2024

6 day weather forecast in Barcelona, Spain

Weather Barcelona, Spain

Weather in Barcelona. What are air temperatures and sea water temperatures in Barcelona, Spain? Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. A Mediterranean climate is a dry summer subtropical climate, which usually means little rainfall (except for an occasional thunderstorm) during the months of spring and summer and most of the rain falling during winter months. So the weather that you can expect in Barcelona will be long hot and dry summers and mild winters with some rainfall.

Scroll down this page for Barcelona weather information and temperatures

-Average temperatures in Barcelona
-Rainfall and humidity in Barcelona
-Sunshine hours in Barcelona
-Weather seasons and climate
-Seawater / beach water temperatures
-Snow and ice in Barcelona
-Weather forecast links
-Barcelona Webcams 

Average temperatures in Barcelona

Average air temperatures above might appear a bit low for Barcelona and Spain if you look at the diagram below, but remember that average air temperatures are measured in the shade and out of the wind - they are not measured in direct sunlight. All official air temperatures on all weather forecasts are always measured in the shade. It will always feel hotter if you are standing in direct sunlight because what you are feeling is the air temperature and on top of that you are feeling the “heat” radiation caused by the direct light of the sun. So it will always feel and be hotter in the sunlight than in the shade. The same applies to a thermometer. It will give a higher reading in direct sunlight than in the shade.  Because the amount of sunlight can be very different depending on the time of day and the cloud cover, rain etc, the average air temperatures are always measured in the shade and also out of the wind, so that the thermometer only reads the temperature of the air around the thermometer.

Average temperature in Barcelona

Rainfall in Barcelona 

The amount of rain that Barcelona gets in the winter is much less than northern Europe. It it really doesn't feel like it rains very often, even in the winter. It is also quite rare in Barcelona to have many consecutive cloudy or rainy days like one often sees in the northern Europe. Most days in Barcelona the whole year round are sunny, bright and clear.  Things to do when it rains in Barcelona

Average rainfall in Barcelona

Humidity in Barcelona

Humidity levels in Barcelona are generally high and can become quite unbearable in July and August. Here are the average levels:

Average humidity levels in Barcelona

Sunshine hours Barcelona

Sunshine is a big attraction of a visit to Barcelona. A sunny climate does make life here seem more agreeable than in northern European countries. But Barcelona is not hot all year round, Summers are long and hot and winters are much cooler, but with lots of sunshine. Barcelona gets 2500 hours of sunshine a year on average. That's an average of 7 hours a day. Rainfall varies and can cause low water levels in reservoirs at times, and lack of rain the the spring can cause increases in forest fires.

Average sunshine in Barcelona

With so many sunshine hours it is natural for Barcelona to be on the forefront of solar energy. Barcelona was one of the first cities in Europe to introduce special legislation concerning the use of solar energy. The Solar Ordinance law, which came into force in August 2000, applies to newly built, rehabilitated and fully renovated buildings. This law makes the use of solar energy compulsary for 60% of sanitary hot water supplies. This regulation applies to buildings intended for residential, health-care, sports, commercial and industrial use and, generally, any activity involving the existence of dining rooms, kitchens, laundries or other circumstances that lead to a large consumption of hot water.

Seasons & climate Barcelona

There are four seasons in Barcelona and they follow the rest of Europe seasonal calendar. The difference is that Barcelona seasons are more stable. Every year in Barcelona almost without fail you can expect 6 months of warm dry weather from the beginning of May until the end of September. The months of May, June and September are usually the months with the highest numbers of sunshine hours sometimes up to 13-14 hours a day. July and August are the hottest months, which is why the Mediterranean countries traditionally take a holiday for all of August, because it is simply too hot to work. Temperatues can reach 40°C (= 105°F)

Swiming months Barcelona

Swimming at Barcelona beaches and water temperature of Barcelona beaches. We often get the question 'when can you swim in Barcelona?' or 'which months can you swim in Barcelona?' You can swim comfortably in the sea at the beaches of Barcelona for around four or five months of the year from end of May to end of September. The warmest and best months for swimming in the sea are July, August and September. Here are the following average temperatures at the Barcelona beaches.

Sea water temperatures Barcelona

Early October is really the last chance to swim in the sea in Barcelona without too much discomfort. From November to April the beaches are closed and the water temperature is around 12 to 14 degrees Celcius. This is fine for surfers, kitesurfers and windsurfers, who you will often see in the water in Barcelona and on the beaches outside Barcelona.  Click on the links below for Barcelona beach weather forecasts and beach water and sea water temperatures. 

 sea is cold
sea water 14C - 16C degrees

 sea is chilly
sea water 17C - 19C degrees

 sea is chilly
sea water 18C - 20C degrees

 sea is warm
sea water 20C - 22C degrees

 sea is warm
sea water 23C - 25C degrees

 sea is hot
sea water 24C - 26C degrees

 sea is hot/warm
sea water 24C- 25C degrees

sea is chilly
sea water 20C - 22C degrees

Water temperature Barcelona beach
Sea water beaches outside Barcelona
Wind conditions Barcelona
Beaches north and south of Barcelona

Rain in Barcelona

It does rain in Barcelona which is good for farming and for filling water reservoirs but not so much fun for tourists. Things to do in Barcelona when it rains. But it can be weeks or months between rainfall, so in general you should always try and avoid wasting water. On the link below you can find a useful rain radar alert to track rainfall if you are planning a road trip from Barcelona. See Barcelona radar rain forecast

Snow in Barcelona

Does it snow in Barcelona? Yes but not very often. Barcelona can get a very light fall of snow about once a year but generally snow is a rare sight in Barcelona. There can be some frosty nights, especially up in the hills of Tibidabo and Collserola. See photos of Barcelona snowstorm in March 2010. For a cold snap there is a city plan of action called Operació Fred d’Emergència to deal with icy road conditions in the hills. This plan has salt spreaders and even 5 snow ploughs on the alert for any significant snowfall. Salt bins can be distributed around the higher parts of the city in the districts of Les Corts, Gràcia, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Horta-Guinardó and Nou Barris, so that residents can salt pavements if need be. For the homeless, municipal shelters are made ready in case the temperature drops to freezing levels and emergency teams of city aid workers and Red Cross (Creu Roja) volunteers around the city keep a watch for homeless people and offer them a place in a shelter. If you are a skiing or snowboarding fan or just want to see snow, then head for the Pyrenees mountains where there is an abundance of snow and ice at the many ski areas near Barcelona in the Catalan/Spanish and French Pyrenees.

Snow reports ski resorts near Barcelona
Ski resorts near Barcelona
Weather Christmas Barcelona
Snow Day tours to Pyrenees from Barcelona

Barcelona weather links

Satellite pictures for last two hours of weather in Spain - meteorological office Catalonia - meteorological office Spain

Weather by month

Barcelona weather January
Barcelona weather February
Barcelona weather March
Barcelona weather July

Weather webcams Barcelona

Webcams Barcelona and Catalonia, Spain

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Last Updated on Monday, 15 January 2024 16:43

Wednesday, 26 March 2025