How much are Barcelona taxis? Price calculator Barcelona taxi prices 2025 Cost Barcelona taxi.

How much is Barcelona taxi?

2025 Price calculator Barcelona taxi prices

updated January 2025


See Barcelona Taxi prices.

How much is a taxi from Barcelona airport to downtown Barcelona city center Plaza Cataluña? A Barcelona taxi fare should cost around €35 to €40 from Barcelona city center Plaza Cataluña to Barcelona airport including 2 suitcases. There is a fixed flat rate - called T4 - for a Barcelona taxi to or from Barcelona airport to cruise ship wharf Moll Adossat in Port of Barcelona. The T4 cruise ship flat rate fixed price is €45 in 2024 and includes all surcharges/supplements. This is called the "Preu final / Precio final / Final price" on the yellow taxi price sticker displayed on the taxi window.  Remember to check with the driver if you can pay using a credit card - usually that is possible, but not always. Check on the online official Bcn taxi calculator

What colour are official licenced taxis?

Official Barcelona taxi colours are black and yellow. The fleet is generally modern. Barcelona taxi use taximeters and there can be surcharges / supplements for certain things like suitcases, but from the airport there is a flat rate that includes airport to city center rides.

Are Barcelona taxis safe?

Yes. It is safe to take Barcelona taxis at any time of day and it is safe to use taxis on the street anywhere in the city.

Do Barcelona taxis cheat on price

Generally no, you will not be cheated on the fare in an official Barcelona taxi. You might be unlucky and have a cab driver who takes a longer route than necessary. Ask if they accept credit cards and ask about an estimated price. You can check the route on your own GPS on your phone and show it to the driver before the ride starts, so he is aware that you know where you are going.

How do I order taxis

You can call Barcelona taxi companies by telephone - or you can use the free smartphone app - FreeNow to book a Barcelona taxi online via smartphone. Or you can flag a taxi on the street.

Barcelona taxi extra supplements

There is a entry/exit supplement of €4.50 (2024) for rides to or from Barcelona airport and cruise dock Moll Adossat taxi journeys (except flat rate fees)

There is an entry/exit supplement of €2.50 (2024) to or from Fira Gran Via trade fair area and Sants train station taxi journeys (except flat rate fees)

There are no extra charges for hand-luggage, guide dogs, wheelchairs and prams. Luggage bags and suitcases bigger than size 55 x 40 x 20 cm, which is hand-luggage size bags, have an extra supplment charge of €1 per bag.

Big taxis that seat 5-8 persons have a single supplment of €4.50 (2024)

There is a supplement of €3.50 (2024) for certain Christmas and New Year public holidays. 

For short journeys starting at Barcelona airport there is a minimum fare, including all additional supplments, which will be €21 (2024). This means if you don't reach €21, after all supplements have been added, then the fare will be rounded up to €21. This usually only applies on short journeys to hotels near airport.

You can see all the Barcelona taxi prices specified in the taxis on a price sticker on the side window of all official taxis. For complaints or for items lost in Barcelona taxis, kindly visit the Barcelona Taxi Institute website or see our items lost taxi page

Calculate Barcelona taxi fare

Use the official online Barcelona Taxi calculator app to calculate taxi fares in Barcelona. It provides an estimation of the price of a Barcelona taxi journey under normal traffic conditions in the metropolitan area using current Barcelona taxi prices. You can also double check the estimated price by using World Taxi Meters Barcelona price calculator for Barcelona taxi if you want.

Ride sharing taxi alternatives

There were few alternatives to taxis in Barcelona, Ride sharing company Uber is in Barcelona but it only works as an app for official Barcelona taxis and not all official taxis use the Uber app. Ride sharing company Cabify and Bolt operate in Barcelona, but in a limited fashion and are unpopular with taxi drivers. Use caustion with ride sharing companies during any taxi protests.

Related Barcelona taxi pages

Taxi numbers Barcelona
Barcelona Metropolitan Taxi
Map Barcelona cruise ship terminals
Map Barcelona airport
Where to stay in Barcelona

2025 Barcelona taxi price list

Taxi prices Barcelona

Kindly note that we try and keep this page up-to-date but changes can occur, so we advise you always to 

- ask the cab driver for an estimate of the fare.
- ask if he or she accepts payment by credit card
- ask what the supplements are for your destination and for luggage 
- check that the meter is running.

Barcelona 'How much' pages

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Last Updated on Monday, 06 January 2025 16:22

Wednesday, 26 March 2025