CatSalut - Catalan health service Popular

Official Website
CatSalut - Catalan health service
CatSalut. Catalonia, Spain. Visit CatSalut website for information about health care in Barcelona and Catalonia, Spain. Health care is available at the primary health care centres 'Centres d'atenció primària' (CAP) Find your CAP centre Call telephone number 061 for medical emergencies from anywhere in Catalonia. The telephone number 902111444 is an official helpline that can answer any questions you have on general health, illness or health services for residents of Catalonia. If you are a permanent resident then you can apply for your personal Catalan health card called Tarjeta Santaria Individual or 'TSI' for free health services in Catalunya. 

Catsalut 24 hour health helpline
Barcelona medical emergencies number
Health regions Barcelona province

Wednesday, 12 March 2025