Festes de Sant Roc Barcelona

Festes de Sant Roc de la Plaça Nova 2013 - Barcelona's oldest festival

Festes de Sant Roc de la Plaça Nova, (also called Festa Major de Sant Roc) is Barcelona's oldest festival, which has celebrated Saint Roch for an 424 years since 1589 in the neighbourhood Barri de Sant Roc - Pl. Nova by Barcelona Cathedral . In 2013 the Sant Roc festival in Barcelona dates are Wednesday 14th August 2013 to Sunday 18th August 2013

The main festivities take place on Plaça Nova by Barcelona cathedral. You can see many Catalan festival traditions like the festival procession "El Seguici de sant Roc," - "sardanas" dancing - "havanares" sea shanty singing groups - a "correfoc" firerun - "castellars" human tower building - "puntaires" lacemaking - "gegants" giants dance from the group "Colla de la plaça Nova" and the traditional Sant Roc dog show "La festa del gos."

Two highlights of Sant Roc in Barcelona are the "la cucanya" contest, which involves walking over a greasy pole - and the drinking contest "glops amb el porró llarg" where wine is drunk from a huge version of the typical spouted porró wine carafe. 

Organised by Associació Festes Plaça Nova

Programme 2013 Festes de Sant Roc (in Catalan)
Download PDF programme Festes de Sant Roc 2013
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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 August 2013 16:47

Wednesday, 26 March 2025