Easter Festivals - Dance of Death - La Danza de la Muerte de Verges

La Danza de la Muerte de Verges

Dance of Death Easter festival in Verges in Catalonia, Spain near Barcelona

La Procesión de Verges. Dance of Death - 'Dansa de la Mort de Verges' in Catalan langauge and 'La Danza de la Muerte de Verges' in Spanish language. Verges is a village near the Costa Brava in Catalonia about 1.5 hours by car from Barcelona. Here, on the evening of Easter Thursday (Maundy Thursday) every year, the villagers of Verges celebrate the 'La Dansa de la mort' - an ancient and unique 'dance of death'.

This takes the form of a procession to the solemn beat of drums. Participants bear scythes, ashes and clocks and dress in eerie masks and skeleton costumes. The Dance of Death is the central element, symbolizing the inevitability of death and the fleeting nature of life; the final judgement after death to determine if the soul goes to heaven, to purgatory, or to hell. This event combines religious and cultural elements and the result is a distinctive and haunting traditoin. 

This is one of Spain's most interesting and strangest Easter traditions attracting thousands of spectators to Verges. There is a small admission fee to witness the procession, which takes place in the medieval village center and on walls and towers.

Read about Barcelona Easter week

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