Map Festa Major de Gracia 2024. Streets, themes, map

Map 2024 Festa de Gracia Barcelona

And list of decorated streets and plazas with themes for 2024

Guide Gracia Festival

Please note that the blue circles with white arrows indicate which way to walk into the decorated street to see the decorations.


Decorated streets 2024

23 of the Gracia neighbourhood's streets are decorated and filled with activities for all the family including competitions, workshops, sports, concerts and lots more. Here are the 2024 decoration themes.

Calle Berga:  Theme 'El fons del mar', inspired by marine life and preservation.
Calle Ciudad Real:  Theme 'Escola republicana' street pays tribute to schools during the Spanish Republic.
Fraternitat de Baix : Theme 'Papiroflexia', inspired by Japanese Origami.
Fraternitat de Dalt :  Theme 'Arcade Fratern Game' street inspired by video games from the eighties and nineties.
Calle Jesús : Theme 'Discodèlia', inspired by psychedelic nightclub
Progrés Street: Theme 'Progrés en joc' also inspired by vintage video games
Providència: Theme 'ProviVegas', inspired by Las Vegas. 
Puigmartí Street : Theme 'El camí el dibuixa el destí' inspired by ancient Egypt.
Tordera: Theme jellyfish.
Sant Antoni : Theme 'Travessia Astral' inspired by astrology and signs of the zodiac.
Verdi : Theme 'L'enramat' pays tribute to 19th century Gràcia Festival, with traditional 'envelats'.
Joan Blanques de Baix : Theme 'Sant Medir a l'agost' inspired by Sant Medir, another festival in Gràcia neighborhood.
Joan Blanques de Baix de Tot: Theme ' Holland JBdbDt', inspired by Dutch landscape.
La Perla: Theme 'Perla Ville' inspired by the Wild West
Llibertat: Theme 'Celler Llibertat' is a tribute to winemaking
Lluís Vives : Theme 'Escull el mar' reflects on marine life
Mozart: Theme 'MozartZaki' inspired by Japan
Perill: Theme 'Perill Dolç' inspired by Hansel and Gretel landscapes.
Plaza del Poble Gitano : Theme 'Disco Gràcia 24' tribute to former Paral·lel street nightclubs.
Plaza de la Vila : Theme 'Rapsodia en blau' pays tribute to Rhapsody in blue , by George Gershwin, and to blue colour of the neighbourhood's flag.
Plaza del Nord : Theme 'La peixera del Nort', inspired by fish in a tank.
Plaza Rovira i Trias : Theme 'Wedding Chapel' inspired by Las Vegas weddings.
Placeta Sant Miquel i Rodalies : Theme 'MiróGràcia' tribute to artist Joan Miró.

Where is Gracia Festival? Map and location

The Gracia festival is in the Gracia district of Barcleona. It is easy to find. If you are in the center of Barcelona on the downtown central square called Plaça de Catalunya, then it is a 20 to 25 minute walk along the street Passeig de Gracia from the Plaça de Catalunya square. The street name Passeig de Gracia means "path to Gracia" - the name dates back to 19th century to the time, when Gracia was a separate village from the city of Barcelona.

Most of the Gracia Festival is in the area of Gracia called 'Vila de Gracia' marked on the map below, which is the oldest part of the Gracia district. If you take a taxi, then the taxi driver will drop you on on the edge of the Gracia festival area - and from there then you just walk in, find a map, and join the party.

There are maps of the festival plazas and streets in many places and in the festival programmes, which you can buy in cafes or festival events. If you take the metro, then take the green line metro to one of these three metro stations nearest to the Gracia Festival:

Metro station Fontana or metro station Diagonal on metro green line L3  - or metro station Joanic on metro yellow line L4

Open Barcelona metro map

Map location Festa Major de Gracia

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Last Updated on Thursday, 15 August 2024 13:15

Wednesday, 26 March 2025