Barcelona Christmas weather - what's weather like in Barcelona at Christmas?


Barcelona Christmas weather

What's the weather like at Christmas in Barcelona? It's cold at Christmas in Barcelona but not freezing and no snow or ice. This makes Christmas in Barcelona perfect for Christmas shopping and sightseeing.

December is one of the coldest months in Barcelona. Generally the mid-day air temperatures in the shade in December are around 15C / 57 F degrees and drop to between 6 to 10C / 42F to 50F in the evening.

But when the sun is out Barcelona's Christmas weather in Barcelona is mild and feels quite warm and pleasant during the day and only chilly in the evening. 

Snow is very unusual in Barcelona, so don't plan to see snow at Christmas in Barcelona. Barcelona does sometimes get a day of snow once or twice in the winter, as you can see on these photos of Barcelona snow, but if you want to be sure of seeing snow then you should head for Andorra in the Pyrenees mountains 2 hours north of Barcelona for a lovely snow and mountain experience.


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So in our opinion it is cold enough to feel Chrismassy but warm enough to be pleasant. Barcelona has many great Christmas shopping streets and many of Barcelona's shopping streets are decorated with Christmas lights to make the experience perfect. 

Weather forecast Barcelona
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Pictures Barcelona Christmas 
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Snow near Barcelona

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Last Updated on Saturday, 02 December 2023 17:20

Saturday, 29 March 2025