Olympic diving swimming pool Montjuic

Pictures Olympic diving swimming pool Barcelona


The city swimming pool with the best view in the world is in Barcelona. The fabulous outdoor Olympic swimming pool, designed by Antoni de Moragas, was built in 1992 for the diving events of the Barcelona Olympics. The diving pool has a seating capacity of 4.100 spectators and the panoramic views of the city provide a unique backdrop for diving events. The pool is only open in July and August every year. The changing facilities are not in very good condition and the diving boards are closed to the public, but it's worth a visit just for the views. The spires in the background are the unfinished Sagrada Familia church by Antoni Gaudi.

Olympic diving pool address, opening times and map
Swimming pools on Montjuic hill

The Barcelona diving boards are not open to the public and only the big pool is open for swimming in July and August.



High dive at Montjuic Olympic Diving Pool 



This photo looks a bit like like synchronized swimming practise, but actually it was just a coincidence that this photo was taken as several pairs of girls were swimming.



Olympic diving swimming pool Barcelona

Olympic swimming pool Barcelona

Olympic diving swimming pool Barcelona

Diving boards Montjuic diving pool Barcelona

Kylie Minogue video "Slow" shot at the Olympic diving pool in Barcelona on Montjuic hill

Dua Lipa video Illusion filmed at Montjuic diving pool 2024

More pictures Barcelona

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 16:34
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