Pictures Mercè Festival Barcelona

Pictures Mercè Festival Barcelona

La Mercè Festival in Barcelona is in September every year. Called the "Festival of Festivals" it is the biggest festival of the year in Barcelona lastings 4 days and usually ending on 24th September, which is the public holiday called "La Mercè."

Top things to do Mercè Festival

Mercè Piromusical is a spectacular fireworks, water and light display. Read more
Merce Festival Barcelona

The Mercè Festival boasts vibrant parades teeming with Catalan traditions and colors.

Merce Festival Barcelona

Merce Festival Barcelona

Merce Festival Barcelona

Merce Festival Barcelona cercavila

Merce Festival Barcelona

Merce Festival Barcelona

Human tower building bythe Barcelona Falcons

Merce Festival Barcelona Falcons

At the pinnacle of a castell, you'll find a nimble and petite child, the sole member of the troupe wearing a safety helmet.

More pictures castellers

Merce Festival Barcelona Falcons

Catalan 'cobla' concert on Plaça de Sant Jaume

Merce Festival Barcelona Cobla

The Merce Festival has a huge programme of free concerts including the outdoor BAM music festival

Merce Festival Barcelona BAM festival

The Merce firerun Correfoc is a highlight of the festival. More photos of Correfoc

Merce correfoc Porta de l'infern

Human towers are a quite recent Catalan tradition first documented in 18th century but only gaining popularity throughout Catalonia in the last 70 years. Towers can be up to 9 levels high.

 Merce Festival Castellers

Merce Festival Castellers

Merce Festival Castellers

La Cascada fountain at Parc de la Ciutadella during Merce

Cascada Fountain Parc Ciutadella Merce

'Hivernacle' greenhouse during the Merce Parc de la Llum

Parc Ciutadella Merce

The children's Correfoc and adult Correfoc are big Merce festival attractions.

Merce correfoc

La Senyera flag during the light show on facade of city hall on Plaça de Sant Jaume.

Merce plaza jaume

Another amazing light show effect on city hall


There are Diada Castellera human tower days on Plaça de Sant Jaume.

Merce plaza jaume

Plaça de Sant Jaume is packed for the Castellers days.



The biggest Merce parade is called  La Gran La Cavalcada de la Mercè


El Lleó - the Lion - one of Barcelona's mythical beasts often seen in processions

El Lleó - the Lion - one of Barcelona's mythical beasts

The Merce book market on street Passeig de Gracia

Merce book market

Circ al Castell - Merce circus festival at Montjuic Castle

Circ al Castell - Merce circus festival at Montjuic Castle

Merce harbour swim 'Travessia Nedant al Port de Barcelona'

Merce wine festival - special day for collectors to trade Cava bottle tops called a "Chapa de Cava"

Chapa de Cava

La Merce has many activities for children.

La Merce has many activities for children

Dancers in the parade La Gran Cabalgata de la Mercè

Dancers in the parade La Gran Cabalgata de la Mercè

Dancers La Gran Cabalgata de la Mercè

Merce giants ball - Xambanga de Gegants.   More pictures of gegants

Xambanga de Gegants

Jet fighers in formation over Barcelona at the former Festa al Cel - Barcelona Airshow - on the weekend after the main Merce festival but in recent years did not take place

Festa al Cel - Barcelona Airshow


Merce Barcelona

Concurs de Colles Sardanistes – Sardanes dancing competition at Merce Festival. More pictures of Sardanes

Sardanes dancing competition at Merce Festival

Merce open water harbour swim "Travessia Nedant al Port de Barcelona"

Merce open water harbour swim

Watching the Barcelona airshow from the beach walls. Barcelona beaches

Merce air show

Don't miss the Sardenes day at La Merce

Sardenes competition at La Merce

Grallers - pipers. Read more about Grallers

Grallers - pipers

Merce Barcelona
Well protected dragon tamer at the children's correfoc - correfoc infantil. Read tips about how to dress for correfoc
children's correfoc

Guide to Merce Festival Barcelona

Last Updated on Monday, 16 September 2024 16:24
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