History. It happened today in Barcelona on 1st April

It happened today in Barcelona - 1st April

1st April 1939

End of Spanish civil war 1936 to 1939.On 1st April 1939, Generalissimo Francisco Franco broadcast a radio message to announce the end of the Spanish Civil War 'En el día de hoy, cautivo y desarmado el Ejército Rojo, han alcanzado las tropas nacionales sus últimos objetivos militares. La guerra ha terminado. Burgos, April 1, 1939.' 'Today, after having disarmed and captured the Red Army, the Nationalist troops have secured their final military objective. The war is ended.' This marked the end of the three year brutal and savage civil war in Spain. World War II started just 5 months later.

The Spanish Civil War was from 1936–39 and was a military revolt against the democratically elected Republican government of Spain. The military revolt was supported by conservative elements within Spain. The initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country and was followed by a three year civil war fought with great ferocity on both sides of the conflict.

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